Friday, June 24, 2011

how do you feel?

I went to the gallery at the top of our old street with my Mum a couple of weeks back.. just before the wedding.  .. Once the Morwell Town hall- for a period it doubled as the town library - it is now owned  by  Arts Victoria who run it as the Latrobe Regional Gallery ..  Funny how the room where I used to wander around wooden shelves looking for Enid Blyton books is now the place I go to with my 93 year old Mum.

The gallery's one of her favourite spots.

We have a coffee in the cafe and just as we're leaving, the woman in charge  points us in the direction of the room opposite.. You might like that she says.. In we go, Mum holding onto my arm and me conscious of how unsteady she is on her feet.. I notice how thin her ankles are  ..  Just inside the door an installation's been set up.. There are tiny post-it style notes covering much of a sidewall that's designed as a work-in-progress..  How do you feel?  is the title the artist has given the project... We're encouraged to pick a rubber stamp, press it on an ink pad,  print it on a white note and then write about how we feel  ..Mum's sight is poor but she manages to sign her name in the corner and while i'm stamping my slip I can see she's also written something in the tiny space above the butterfly stamp


I pin our notes on the wall - making sure hers is above the rest and wrap her arm inside mine.  We go on our way.

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