Sunday, February 14, 2010

out there..

Yesterday I took a few pictures of the view from the sunroom window. It's the room where I write. In previous lives, angled-off by a folding door, it's been a play-room, study and when we were really pushed for space we squeezed in a mattress and base and it became a bedroom for a small boy-Michael first and  some years later, Dan.. 

I like working here. I love the way light sifts through the apple tree.. a kind of lime and yellow light  For the past year or so because of a laptop i've had to have for school, I've gravitated to other places - the kitchen table, the study (also once a bedroom) and on warm afternoons on a table out the back. .... lately, however, the laptop's been playing up and  in the last few weeks I"ve begun life anew on the computer here in the sunroom.. This desk is the place where I started taking writing seriously. The place where I began to think I could put things down a little more permanently than in exercise books and on bits of paper I carried in my bag.
Anyway after that little preamble I want to show you a photo I took yesterday..

look hard.. a fabulous lorikeet has just dropped by..

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