Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gina, our ship on legs..

Mid-autumn and the pollen's lying beneath the old tree at school once again. Yesterday I watched three Grade 1 girls scooping it up with little sticks on the wall of bricks and tiles that runs around the trunk. The story I wrote a few years ago about Gina is reprised here from a yellowed page of The Age.

Pollen dust covers the ramp and steps in the mornings. A fine yellow carpet that floats and settles near the door of the classroom. Dried and warm like sweet grass-seed, the smell carries me to the bush and the days of Gina.

We kept her in a paddock that lay across the road from home. A dusky brown heifer with the island of Tasmania in a splash of white across her muzzle. There had been others before her. Clarabelle first, then Mammy and Velvet, but Gina was the queen. Her walk set her apart. An unhurried stepping, like a ship on legs. Mum kept a diary, a small brown book where she marked our milestones such as baptisms, when we started school or who got whooping cough. Gina’s doings were listed there as well, under C for cow. La Lolla, Dad named her, but we called her Gina.

I was 10 when I began walking across by myself to get her. I wore Dad’s gumboots and carried a stick. I felt brave then, ready to hit a snake or ward off a magpie. Sometimes she’d be standing close to the gate just waiting, staring at the bowlers on the smooth square greens on the opposite side of the fence. Other days she’d be lying among the tussocks and I’d wander the maze of paths that ran towards the football ground, calling until I found her. She’d lead the way back, rocking her weight in even time along the tracks to home.

We milked her in the shed, on a concrete patch in the corner where Dad had built a bail. I had the morning shift and when it was cold I watched as steam poured from her nostrils and left watery drops on the bristles near her mouth. I bolted the plank in behind her ear, caught her tail on the nail above and tied back her leg with the cord. Each milking we gave her a handful of hay and filled her bucket with water. While she ate or drank or just stood mashing her cud, I washed the swollen udder that hung like a bag of puffy fingers below her belly. I leant against her and listened to the rumble and gurgle of milk running like a river inside. The hair just above her udder was softer and there was a secret space between the bag and her leg, a little warm pouch where my hand fitted perfectly. She’d give a sudden kick and I’d remember the milking. With the bucket held between my knees I tilted it towards the wall and started. Two pin-straight lines hit the tin and within minutes a creamy froth rose up the sides and the bucket felt warm and heavy against my legs.

Gina made milk and calves. Every year we took her to visit the bull at Davies’ farm. It was a two-mile walk we called The Long March. Dad drove the car at walking pace while we crouched down low in the back seat and held the rope that was looped round her neck. People slowed and watched as the little procession moved through the streets, past the town hall and on to the highway. “Where’s the circus?” or “Get a horse!” they yelled. We were ashamed. Dad wasn’t; he just laughed and idled the car along, his arm angled like a paddle out the window.

We left her at the farm in the front paddock where the black bull stood watching, then, after a week, returned to bring her home. She didn’t remember us. She wanted to stay. We jammed the rope in the window and held on with all our might, but as the car started up so did the bull. All along the dirt road we heard him, a hoarse angry bellowing backed by a chorus of mooing. It wasn’t until the highway that the air quietened, Gina stopped pulling against the rope and it was safe to pat her through the window. The car dropped into second gear as she padded the gravel beside the bitumen and I listened to the rhythm in her hooves.

The arrival of a calf each year was recorded in Mum’s tiny script. “On July 16th ’66, to Gina and Horace another little bull calf. Both doing fine.” Motherhood was a brief experience, however, and after a week the farmer would come and take it away. We watched the splay-footed creature calling out from the back of the ute and when I lay in bed at night I heard Gina’s sore and lonely cries carrying across the road like a broken trumpet.

In my last year at school she died. My brother found her lying by the gate with her feet sideways in the air, a piece of fence wire dangling from her mouth. Maybe she knew what was coming. The following month the bowling club expanded and her paddock became a car park. She was the last cow we kept. The small country that lay across the road became the land I never visited.

Until this year and this tree. The tree that towers over the portable classroom where I teach. The one that drops seeds and pollen dust that crisps in the sun and scents the air with a smell like hay. The one that brings back the queen and her country again.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Remembering Kevin

Remembering Kevin

While I was reheating some spaghetti for lunch today, I began thinking about Kevin, a friend of my husband. The two of them used to teach together. Kevin was single and lived in a share house in Oakleigh. He came for dinner a few times when the kids were little. What I remember most from those nights was the way he played with them –he always went a bit crazy in the sense that some people who don’t know how to behave go overboard and excite an energy in kids that makes them loud and wild.

On the first evening he was here, after the boys had finally calmed down and gone off to bed Kevin spoke about his childhood. Like me he’d grown up in a large Catholic family with a number of siblings in each bedroom and where religion played a big part in daily life. Unlike me though, his memories of those days were mostly miserable. With 14 kids in his family- 5 more than in mine - Kevin said he never felt there was enough of anything to go round. That included love. I got the sense from listening to him that although he lived in a crowded house his childhood wasn’t much different to an orphan’s.

One Sunday sometime after we’d gotten to know him, we went to his place for lunch. The kids played out in the backyard while we sat in the kitchen and had a drink before eating. We’d brought a bottle of wine and Kevin produced 3 vegemite glasses which was fine. What I couldn’t get my head around however, was the table cloth. It was one of his sheets. The stripy flannelette kind that thins out after a few washes. The kind that carries little pills of fluff where it’s been worn away. As we sat there with him, all I could wonder was when he’d last used it. When he served up the meal- the empty bottle of Paul Newman Bolognese Sauce was on the sink beside the stove- I found I had no appetite. I had to force myself to take a few mouthfuls and drink the wine as slowly as I could.

When my husband turned 40 we had a party at home. Friends and family came and the house was alive with music and talk. Kevin arrived early in the evening but didn’t stay long. In fact he walked in the back door and passed through to the front before either of us had time to realize it. The gathering had simply overwhelmed him.

Beyond what I’ve written here, there’s not much more to say. I know before we’d met he’d been a Brother in an order in Western Australia and I also remember what my husband said -that he had no real idea about how to teach.

When he left the school at the end of the year and moved away from Melbourne it turned out to be the last we saw or heard from him. He gave no forwarding address and made no return visits. We lost touch.

In hindsight I feel ashamed I didn’t help him more but the truth is, I got tired of his company. Whenever he came round the past always came with him. It was like a bag of old stones he tipped open on the table. I wished for the day when he didn’t have his heaviness but that time never came. All I hope now in remembering him is that somewhere along the road he met someone who helped him carry the weight.